Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Honolulu Marathon

After getting my medal and finishers shirt!
Honolulu Marathon officially made me a marathoner! We all have to start somewhere - So I started with a marathon on my home turf. I signed up for Honolulu, unfortunately after the awesome Kama'aina $1.00 per mile deal. Which, I won't miss for the following years for myself and my husband. Way cheaper - I mean who can beat $26.2 for a marathon entry fee?


Let's start with the expo. I have to admit I was a bit disappointment with the expo. Actually, more then a bit. For such a large marathon - I would imagine the expo to be bigger. Also I understand that a lot of Japanese run this marathon - but that doesn't mean the whole expo has to be Japanese focused. (I am exaggerating a bit, I get that). But I honestly felt like very little of it was focused toward the runner in general. But instead it was focused toward the Japanese runner. That being said the organization to pick up your bib at the expo was very well done - and I do appreciate that.

On the day of the race - parking is terrible for those driving in. Lucky for me my husband dropped me off near the start and he went on the hunt for parking. The shuttle the Honolulu marathon puts on though is brilliant. They will take you from the Honolulu Zoo to the start area, which is great if you can find parking down there as that is near where the finish is! I thankfully though, didn't have to utilize the shuttle this year because of my awesome hubby!

I ran into a fellow yelper as I was waiting for the start (Pictured above), and he introduced me to some marathon maniacs who he was friends with. It was nice meeting fellow marathon enthusiasts! As the start time neared the excitement was clearly in the air! One of the best things about this marathon was the fireworks at the beginning. It is so awesome to have that be your beginning to the incredible journey any marathon brings - and each one I'm certain brings it's own unique journey. It was also quite nifty to be running with fireworks going off in the background.

The course itself was mostly flat with the exception of Diamond Head. Twice. First go around not so bad. Second go around - cruel and unusual punishment so close to the end of the 26.2 mile journey!

The journey of my first marathon was certainly a good one. I had given myself an original time goal of finishing between 5:00 and 5:30. I secretly was hoping to finish under 5:00, but I was giving myself a "cushion" time goal. The first half of the marathon was cake! I was right on track to finish within my time goal. I felt AWESOME! But I was aware of what I needed to do to ensure I could finish strong. I didn't start out strong (Held around an 11:00 min per mile pace) all the way through mile 12 (Dropped a bit on the first go around with Diamond head). I took in water and gels according to planned. I was doing awesome. I felt excited, motivated, happy, everything all wrapped into one as I heard people cheering along the course. It is so cool to see random people cheering everyone - even people they don't know!

After the half way mark I did start slowing. But I knew I was still going strong! And then mile 18 hit. I don't feel like I hit a wall - I was doing good everywhere except my butt muscles and my feet. All the sudden they hurt. A LOT! I slowed, walked for a minute and then stretched. Stretching helped. But not a permanent type of help. I find myself struggling with my butt and feet (though more butt) hurting from mile 18 until the finish. This is where my time started falling. As the last couple miles approached I began to realize I wouldn't hit my goal time. Then I just started focusing on staying under 6 hours. I finished my mile 26 and of course the last .2 as strongly as I felt I could with a pace of 13:30 for mile 26. The last .2 miles it hit me - I had done it! So in true Jessica fashion  I started tearing up - which makes it challenging to run. After crossing through the finish line, receiving a shell lei, and then making my way out the finishers area I was greeted by my amazing husband and my boss! They were both so excited for me and endured my 26.2 miles worth of stink to steal a hug!

I didn't hit my goal time - I ended up finishing in 5:47:06. I thought I'd be a bit sad because I KNOW I can do better then that. But I wasn't. I FINISHED! I am officially a marathoner - and that is what matters. Now I have a time to beat (and I will)! I am proud of my time and myself!

After finishing I did find getting to the finishers tent to pick up my shirt and medal a bit confusing - but that could simply have been the fact that I was also searching for my husband and not paying attention to the signs. Though, even when we met up the signs didn't do a lot of good. When I did find the tent receiving my finishers shirt and medal was one of the best feelings. It was like another little reminder that I had done it! I wore my medal the rest of the day (Seriously)! Malasadas at the end of the marathon - perfect! I've never had a malasada taste so good!

Biggest shout out and the best thing about this marathon (Any, really) is the volunteers! Everyone was well organized and aid stations were constantly working well so that they always had Gatorade and water for all the participants. They were cheering everyone on, high-fiving and saying encouraging words. Without the volunteers - none of this is possible. I tried to thank as many of them as I could throughout the race.

I thought the little things they did during the course made a big difference. Of course like mentioned, aid stations with water and Gatorade were well organized and marked and always ready for the next runner to come in. The gel packs at certain aid stations is a great addition. Although I didn't personally use them as I carried with me what I needed - I know numerous people did and appreciated it! The biggest little thing that made a big difference: Sponges! I had never been so relieved to see a sponge in my life - and multiple times throughout the race - I was in heaven! These ice cold sponges were amazing to rub all over your arms, legs, face, squeeze on top of your head, stick down your shirt, whatever - just to keep you cool. It was certainly a hot and humid day for the race! The occasional misting was also awesome, but not as heavenly as those sponges!

All in all - this is a good marathon. My first of many and I loved every minute of it (except the last 8 or so miles, those were mind over matter moments)! I've learned a marathon is not just endurance it involves having incredible strength to push through those tough times and miles. I will always strive to be a long distance runner. I'm sure I'll have numerous more Honolulu marathons under my belt before I know it.

When I got home from the Honolulu Marathon I was greeted by a gift on my porch (Pic on left)! My awesome co-workers and friends had put together goodies (Wine, flowers, Epsom salt, other salt, peppermint soap) and left it there for me to find when I got home. Most everyone had signed the card and it was so awesome! They are all the best - and I appreciated this so much! It meant so much to me!

I had such great support for this marathon in general! I know it isn't just this marathon - but seeing all the support I had was simply amazing. One of my best friends, Lauren, started out the day before the marathon posting on Facebook that she wished she could be there for my first marathon (She is in CO). Then that evening another friend and co-worker (Shannon) sent out best wishes to me also. Then when I got on Facebook after the marathon I was overwhelmed by the amount of support that was there before, during and after the race. Shannon posted an update to my wall at the half-way mark - She was keeping everyone updated me on! My aunt then joined in and posted a 30k update! After I had completed it - My boss posted the first picture of me with my finishers medal and shirt! I had so many congratulations and other people posting supportive things on my wall it was wonderful! Friends and family called me and texted me shortly after to congratulate me also! My mom even tried calling while I was still running at the end because she was so excited/happy for me (Love you, mom!) THANK YOU EVERYONE - for all your support! It meant so much to me, I can't even put it into words. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

Watch out Operation Jack Marathon (2.5 weeks away) - I'm coming for a PR!

 One down - 49 to go! (At least!)

Finishers Medal!

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