Sunday, November 17, 2013

Marathon Readiness Series: Part 2

HMSA 30k
 The 30k @ Kapiolani Park.... When I tackled the 30k it was going to be the longest distance I had run yet. 18.6 miles, let me tell you, is a long distance. I kept thinking to myself "just get to mile 14 and you are all set" ... For some reason I feel like if I get to the point in ANY race where I only have 4 miles left I am golden. I don't know what it is about the 4 mile away mark. This race though was tough. It was HOT and MUGGY and I have never sweat so much. I was completely drenched by the end. I also got off to a rough start. I forgot my bib at home (I know, stupid). What makes it worse is I pre-packed everything the night before, apparently, not the bib though. So we had to go home and get it. Luckily we were only about half way there when I noticed. But still we live a minimum of 40 minutes from the race site so I knew we would be rushing. I got there after the race started, raced off to get my chip and then just started. I didn't stretch, didn't do anything that follows my normal long run race routine. I started about 10 minutes after everyone else. BUT I finished it - despite never quite getting into my groove. Finished it in 3:52:58.
Val Nolasco Half Marathon - November 17, 2013
Half marathon @ Kapiolani Park... This was my first official race that was a half marathon distance. I know I've run longer distances and I've hovered around this distance but this was my first official half! This was also the first race of the marathon readiness series that hubby was able to join in on. He was fighting with an IT band injury and a couple weeks ago has begun to be able to run long distances without pain (YAY!!!). So this was his longest distance he had run so far. He did awesome! I finished in my fastest run over 10 miles (Another yay!!). Time: 2:26:02

Next race? Honolulu Marathon!

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